UK's Deputy PM Dominic Raab resigns after bullying allegations
In letter posted on Twitter, Raab says inquiry upheld 2 claims against him.
The UK's Deputy Prime Minister and Justice Secretary Dominic Raab on Friday resigned after allegations that he bullied staff in different departments.
"I am writing to resign from your government, following receipt of the report arising from the inquiry conducted by Adam Tolley KC. I called for the inquiry and undertook to resign, if it made any finding of bullying whatsoever. I believe it is important to keep my word," he said in his resignation letter.
"Whilst I feel duty bound to accept the outcome of the inquiry, it dismissed all but two of the claims levelled against me," he added.
But he also criticized the "adverse" and "flawed" findings, saying: "In setting the threshold for bullying so low, this inquiry has set a dangerous precedent. It will encourage spurious complaints against Ministers, and have a chilling effect on those driving change on behalf of your government – and ultimately the British people."
Raab's resignation is considered a significant setback for Rishi Sunak, who may face criticism for allowing Raab to remain in his post while the investigation was underway.
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