Turkish stock exchange down at close
Benchmark index drops 48.4 points versus previous close

Turkey's benchmark stock index ended at 7,168.51 points Tuesday, down 0.67% from the previous close.
Starting the day at 7,207.81 points, the Borsa Istanbul's BIST 100 index lost 48.45 points from Wednesday's close.
The lowest value of the index during the day was 7,113.31, while its daily high was 7,296.57 .
The market value of BIST 100 was around 6.1 trillion Turkish liras ($227.7 billion) by close.
The daily trading volume was 172.8 billion Turkish liras ($6.4 billion).
Some 30 stocks gained value while 70 lost.
The price of an ounce of gold was $1,980.35, while Brent crude oil was sold for $84.90 per barrel as of 7.30 p.m. local time (1630GMT).
The US dollar/Turkish lira exchange rate was 26.9450, the euro/lira exchange rate stood at 29.5860, while the British pound traded at 34.3770 Turkish liras.

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