'No deal with IMF', Ministry of Treasury and Finance announces
The Ministry of Treasury and Finance has issued a statement refuting claims that Turkey has sought support from the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and that an IMF delegation planned to visit the country for this purpose.
Ministry officials have categorically denied the reports circulating in the press, asserting that there is no basis to the claim that Turkey formally requested assistance from the IMF.
The officials highlighted that the recent changes in the IMF's technical team focused on Turkey, with new members joining the team. They emphasized that the ministry has not extended any official invitation for a delegation to visit the country.
While acknowledging that new team members often make technical visits to various countries to acquaint themselves with economic policies and engage with stakeholders, the officials emphasized that this situation is routine and in line with international practices.
In summary, the Ministry of Treasury and Finance has denied any solicitation for IMF support and clarified that the reports regarding an IMF delegation's visit to Turkey are not accurate.
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