Japan condemns China's actions regarding Fukushima water discharge
Japan criticized China's actions and demanded the safety of its citizens after a brick thrown at the Japanese Embassy in Beijing amid tensions over the discharge of nuclear water from the Fukushima plant into the ocean.

China had recently imposed a ban on seafood imports from Japan following Japan's decision to release treated wastewater from the Fukushima nuclear plant, a move that was deemed safe by the UN Nuclear watchdog.
According to AFP, As a result of these developments, Japan warned its citizens in China and increased security around schools and diplomatic facilities. Japan's Foreign Minister confirmed reports of bricks thrown at the Japanese embassy and urged China to defuse the situation.
Japan called on China to take appropriate measures to ensure the safety of Japanese residents and diplomatic missions in China. The Japanese Foreign Minister emphasized the need for China to provide accurate information about the Fukushima water release based on scientific evidence.
In response, China's Foreign Ministry spokesman rejected Japan's concerns and criticized Japan's decision to unilaterally discharge contaminated water from the Fukushima nuclear accident, which had caused anger among people globally.

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