European lawmakers demand EU action to save lives at sea
Deals with third countries should be more transparent, and allegations of human rights violations must be assessed, says resolution
European lawmakers issued a resolution in the European Parliament on Thursday, demanding that the EU take action to save lives at sea.
The resolution urges member states and Frontex to ensure sufficient capacity in terms of vessels, equipment, and personnel dedicated to search and rescue missions. It also calls for a more proactive and coordinated approach to effectively save lives at sea.
Additionally, the resolution condemns criminal smuggling and trafficking while emphasizing that safe and legal pathways, such as resettlement, are the most effective means to prevent casualties at sea.
The resolution further highlights the need to disseminate more information about the dangers of illegal migration routes to third countries.
The resolution notes that the deals between the EU and third countries should be more transparent and allegations of human rights violations must be assessed.
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