Erdoğan: If they have their dollar we have our Allah
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed his fellow townsmen in Rize’s Güneysu Sub- Province where he arrived late in the night. Expounding on the fluctuations in the economy in the country and the rise of the dollar, President Erdoğan said, “If they have their dollar, we, too, have our people, we have our righteousness and we have our Allah.”

President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan addressed his fellow townsmen in Rize’s Güneysu Sub- Province where he arrived late in the night. Expounding on the fluctuations in the economy in the country and the rise of the dollar, President Erdoğan said, “If they have their dollar, we, too, have our people, we have our righteousness and we have our Allah.”
On a visit to express his gratitude to the Black Sea provinces of Bayburt, Gümüşhane, Rize and Trabzon which cast record-breaking votes in the 24 June elections, President and AKP General Chair Recep Tayyip Erdoğan arrived at Trabzon airport at around 23.40 in the private plane assigned to the Presidency. President Erdoğan transferred by helicopter to his home town of Rize’s Güneysu Sub-Province. Citizens greeted President Erdoğan on his arrival by helicopter at Güneysu Sub-Province football pitch with enthusiasm and displays of affection. Addressing citizens who were demonstrating their affection towards him, Erdoğan expressed his joy at being in the home of his parents.
Recalling that flooding and landslides had been experienced in the region, Erdoğan expressed his condolences. Stating that the Turkish state and people were strong, Erdoğan announced that all citizens would be compensated for their suffering in the disasters that had occurred. Erdoğan said, “We are making preparations for the new period and we are striving to ready our country in a very different way for the new period. We will work and exert ourselves greatly and we are endeavouring to bring our country into a far more modern condition. Be aware that today is better than yesterday and tomorrow will be better than today. Let you have no doubt.”
Expounding on the ongoing tension with the USA, the fluctuations in the economy and the rise of the dollar, President Erdoğan commented, “Various campaigns are being waged. Pay no attention to them. Do not forget that if they have their dollar, we, too, have our people, we have our righteousness and we have our Allah. We have worked hard and are working hard. Where were we sixteen years ago and where are we now? We will be better. I wish you patience and effort. We will work and exert ourselves greatly and will enter 2023 in a very different way.”
Following his address, President Erdoğan made his way to the house in the central neighbourhood where he was to spend the night.
President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan will set out on his visits to express his gratitude from Bayburt, where he gained the highest vote in the 24 June election of 82%. Erdoğan’s second stopping point will then be Gümüşhane. Erdoğan will also address the citizenry as part of the programme arranged in conjunction with his visits.
Erdoğan had said in a speech of his on 6 March, “They may have everything, this and that that goes into space. That is as may be. We have our Allah.”

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