“We will safeguard the ballot boxes together”

CHP General Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu visited Good Party General Chair Meral Akşener. The two leaders made a joint statement following the meeting.


Good Party deputy general chairs Aytun Çıray, Koray Aydın and Lütfü Türkkan received CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu at Good Party Headquarters. Kılıçdaroğlu then moved on to Akşener’s office.

The two leaders shook hands here and posed for members of the press. The meeting between Kılıçdaroğlu and Akşener was held closed to the press.


 CHP General Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu visited Good Party General Chair Meral Akşener. A joint statement was made when they emerged.

 Meral Akşener said, “We have not spoken about political politeness in Turkey for a long time. I thank him for having shown such politeness. Of course, we spoke about the economy and electoral integrity.”

Kılıçdaroğlu, in turn, said, “They had a successful congress process. Her excellency the chair also spoke of how important politeness is in politics. Of course, there may be different opinions and we take account of them for Turkey’s wellbeing. There should not be an atmosphere of tension. I want all our citizens to be certain that we will safeguard all ballot boxes and we will all fight together to introduce a strong democracy.

 Kılıçdaroğlu'ndan Akşener'e ziyaret... 'Sandıklara birlikte sahip çıkacağız'