Their education held captive, too

The statutorily available right to education of thousands of students in prison is being hindered on various pretexts.

It is not only journalists, politicians, writers and intellectuals who are in jail. Thousands of university students are also being held in prison on political grounds. Students in jail are not being taken to exams, with the state of emergency cited as grounds. They are also unable to continue their studies in prison because books are forbidden or restricted.
University administrations are also ignoring remanded students. On students being released, it is the turn of university administrations to create problems. Some students’ registrations are deleted. By contrast, in developed countries, special projects are undertaken for the education even of young people who are detained for common crimes. The ‘Prison University’ set up in the USA is the most important initiative of this kind.
Jailed students, whose comments are included in the report entitled Being a Student in Prison, also blame university administrations:
·           We filed a petition to sit our exams, but the university replied that it was rejecting our application. Our right to education and study has been violated.
·           Because my petition went unanswered, prison management phoned the university. They stated that they would not admit me to the exams due to attendance problems.
·           The university administration replied to my application by saying, ‘Students who are on remand or have been convicted are not admitted to examinations and their examination rights are not reserved.’
·           I was remanded in 2010. I sat the term exam after being remanded. They failed me in the final exam for non-attendance. The source of the problems is the university itself.
·           Measures should initially be taken for students to be released pending trial. Education units in prisons should take a close interest in students’ circumstances.
·           Prison managements should request vehicles from the Ministry of Justice so that students can attend exams. It is also important that these vehicles be free.
·           University administrations should identify remanded students, make contact with them at the prisons where they are being held and ensure that they are brought to exams.
Legislators should make the necessary provisions to create a strong attachment to education and study at prisons.