Kılıçdaroğlu sings a different tune from İnce (27.06.2018)
There were two striking fundamental differences the in press statements that presidential candidate Muharrem İnce and CHP General Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu made on two consecutive days. continue to come from the opposition following the presidential and
parliamentary elections held on 24 June.
The CHP’s presidential candidate Muharrem İnce yesterday held a press conference at CHP Headquarters and assessed the election results. Today in the same auditorium CHP General Chair Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu also assessed the election results following the Central Executive Committee meeting.
There were two striking fundamental differences between the two press conferences held in the same auditorium one day after the other.
At yesterday’s conference, Muharrem İnce removed the Television and Radio Corporation (TRT) camera and reporter, saying, “What business does the TRT, which did not show one minute of my Istanbul, Ankara and Izmir rallies, have here?” İnce announced that he would congratulate his victorious rival in the election, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan.
By contrast, Kılıçdaroğlu started yesterday’s conference by congratulating members of the press with the words, “We have got through an election. I initially thank all the reporter friends who made our voice heard in some way first in their own kitchens and then in Turkey. Their loads are heavy, but I also thank the cameraman friends” and the TRT camera and reporter also observed the conference.
On the other hand, to reporters’ questions, “Will you congratulate Erdoğan?” Kılıçdaroğlu, in contrast to İnce, indicated that he would not congratulate Erdoğan, replying, “A person who does not believe in democracy cannot to be congratulated. A person who has attached the judicial and executive organs to himself cannot be congratulated. What aspect of him am I to congratulate?”