Emre İper denied vital medicine (22.04.2017)
Our newspaper’s accounting employee Emre İper, who has completed his fifth day in Silivri Prison, is being denied diabetes medicine that he is supposed to take every day. When his lawyers brought his prescription medicine, the prison administration denied entry to it. İper, who also had the prison doctor write a prescription, has still not been given his medicine.
Haber MerkeziOur newspaper’s accounting employee Emre İper, who has completed his fifth day in prison, has been taken from a temporary cell to a permanent cell at Silivri Prison No 9. İper, who was able to speak to his wife for the first time yesterday following his being taken into pre-trail detention, is being held on his own in a single-person cell. İper’s door to the courtyard is open from morning to evening. İper, who is diabetic, is not yet being given the medication he is supposed to take every day. When his lawyers brought his prescription medicine, the prison administration denied entry to it. İper also had the prison doctor write a prescription for his medicine. He said when his wife visited him yesterday that he has still not been given his medicine. İper, who was arrested in a raid on his home on 4 April, was ordered to be detained pending trial on 18 April on account of his Twitter posts and a three-line information note from the Anti-smuggling and Organised Crime Branch Directorate. Although it could be established from expert examination that ByLock is not on İper’s phone, our employee has been deprived of his freedom. As to when the expert examination will be conducted, this is unknown.