CHP’s Özel: AKP’s hopelessness points to our strength

Özel replied to the AKP’s Ünal’s accusations saying, “From among you there emerged hundreds of thousands of FETOist scum on 15 July.”

İklim Öngel/Cumhuriyet

CHP Group Deputy Chair Özgür Özel replied to AKP Spokesperson Mahir Ünal’s pronouncement that the CHP stood side by side with the PKK and FETO. Özel commented, “If Mahir Ünal accuses us of being terrorists, Mahir Ünal’s hopelessness points to our strength. On 15 July, democracy and love of the republic and motherland emerged from among us. From among you there emerged hundreds of thousands of FETOist scum.”

 The CHP’s Özel replied to Ünal’s criticisms that the CHP stood side by side with the PKK and FETO and his comment that, in criticising uniform attire, it was saying whatever the PKK says. Özel, recalling that AKP spokespeople made similar comments in criticism of the CHP during the 16 April referendum campaign, commented:

 “Their hopelessness points to our strength. The pride in their noses has brought their political life to an end.

 For as long as they call us terrorists, they are returning, like a bankrupt merchant sifting through his old ledgers, to the stale propaganda method in the referendum that they subsequently abandoned because it did them harm. If Mahir Ünal calls us terrorists, this points to Ünal’s hopelessness and our strength. Terrorists do not emerge from Atatürk’s party. We are all the continuation of a political current and a tradition. Terrorists do not emerge from the National Independence Army and their grandchildren. Terrorists do not emerge from the party of Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, who contemplated the huge imperialist siege and said, ‘They will go the way they came.’ If they emerge at all, it is from among those who put out carpets for invading forces. Terrorists do not emerge from the party of İsmet Pasha, who tore up Sevres and signed Lausanne. Terrorists do not emerge from the party of Bülent Ecevit, who inscribed nationalism onto the Pentadaktylos Mountains of Cyprus. Terrorists do not emerge from the party of Deniz Baykal, who, with your chieftain opening the South East to American soldiers on 1 March, called a halt in parliament and even got your party to call a halt. Terrorists do not emerge from the party of Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu, who, with you creating millions of victims, marched for “rights, law and justice” over each injustice years after Gandhi and further than Gandhi, with a bigger crowd than Gandhi and carrying Gandhi in his heart. FETOists emerged from 15 July: on 15 July everyone felt relieved and note was taken. On 15 July, democracy and love of the republic and motherland emerged from among us. From among you there emerged hundreds of thousands of FETOist scum. And they continue to emerge.”