The child and the state

By Mine Söğüt

Some people will take a look at the babies who under the influence of the teaching at religious infants’ schools wish for immediate death so as to go to heaven, will then look at rectors at universities who say, “Shaking a woman’s hand is more horrific than touching fire,” and will seek out the means to protect their own cherished children from this state, even if this is getting harder and harder if not impossible.
If they manage to do so, maybe they will get them out of this country.
By this means, a handful of ill-fortuned secular children in a Muslim Middle-Eastern country will find themselves in the embrace of a foreign civilisation that does not belong to them and will escape in relative terms.
As to the remainder...
Those who are unable to flee or feel no need to flee; they, this country’s children who are obliged to study in this country and grow up in this country and are now “lost”, they, the children of either the poor or those who have no other choice apart from taking this education, or the children of those who have not yet managed to understand what the commercialisation of religion means; the children of the seller of bread rings in the street, of the taxi driver overtaking you, of a factory worker, of a cleaning functionary, of the post office clerk, of the hospital nurse, of the bus driver, of the woman doing the shopping, of the immigrant next door; that is, the children of the majority who have by now conformed to, bowed before, cowed to and been swayed by the system.
Those children are targeted by those who have their sights set on destroying this Republic that a century ago stole a march from its peers in the drive towards modernity with its revolutions and educational drive.
That is why they are religifying education to the core.
They are deliberately and rapidly sacrificing new generations to a horrific project.
Regressing to well behind the Ottoman ages of enlightenment, they are dragging the country into a fully equipped Islamic Middle Age.
What is collapsing in this country right now is not just a regime.
An enlightened mentality, which took time to erect and make effective and was bloodthirstily ransacked by barbarians before it was fully able to mature, has crumbled and gone.
If this mentality, which until recently was capable of working for a better system, had the capacity for questioning shortcomings and had desires and goals and objections, does not immediately arise from its ashes, new generations will be brought up in an era of horrific irrationality.
And, to experience enlightenment once more, it will set out again from much further behind.
Those who snatch children away from life while virtually babies and stamp the fear of sin on their hearts and fill the minds of grown-ups with dark thoughts at every stage wish for the hearts of the people they will rule to beat, not with enthusiasm and curiosity and joy, but only with fear.
That is why they are feeding children’s minds in schools with nothing but superstition.
To ward off the reawakening of generations that query, research and rebel.
Children’s self-confidence is being crushed at the state’s behest in schools from early on.
These are better times.
They will be in a country steeped in ignorance from nursery school to university; they are not there yet.
Moreover, this horrific shadow that today falls on this country’s children and so on its future essentially has nothing to do with either the faith that the rulership is commercialising nor with ignorance.
It has to do with the immorality and impudence in the gamble to grab a share of the disgusting riches that control the world of a shrewd bunch that has set up tent right in the middle of a bloody part of the earth that is ablaze with wars for the purpose of sharing out huge and dirty riches.
Yes, all states are dirty.
But some of them are more dirty.