Letter from Murat Sabuncu: Keep yourself in good spirits, son

Our General Publication Manager Murat Sabuncu, remanded in the operation to silence Cumhuriyet, has written a letter from Silivri to his son.


Son, I have read your letter.
You say, “Those you have tried to sully with false accusations and lies will most probably not make amends with you in the next world. Even so, I swear on my behalf and that of like-minded people among us that, should the injustice we have suffered as a country one day come to trial, we will not impose the same unfair treatment on the authors of this injustice. Come what may, we will uphold their rights with our honour.”
You are absolutely right. The things we call for are not only for ourselves. If it is freedom, then freedom for us all. If it is justice, then justice for us all. These days will pass.
Don’t forget a Mexican proverb says, “They tried to bury us; they did not know we were seeds.”
Don’t lose your cool or your temper with anybody. Keep yourself in good spirits.
I hope to see you in a Turkey in which we can build a life together, that is independent and in which democracy is blooming.