Cumhuriyet newspaper and independent journalism in the new period
Cumhuriyet newspaper and independent journalism in the new period future of journalism in the new period
In a historical period in which the ability to wield and defend journalistic independence has been difficult in the extreme, Cumhuriyet newspaper has succeeded in this. Of course, this success has not gone unpunished. It has been and is being made to pay a very heavy price for this. By way of price for its independence, unyieldingness, refusal to do homage to anyone and coverage of the news in keeping with the truth and public interest, there has virtually been a wish to throttle this newspaper and its staffers until they are breathless using all the state’s means and mechanisms. For, Cumhuriyet does not compromise on the right of the public to obtain news and be informed and its journalistic principles, is resisting and constitutes a bad example. The situation into which the judiciary has fallen in Turkey is a known. Rest in peace judicial independence.
Unfortunately, we are a society that for a fairly long time has been deprived of an independent judicial organ and professionals who possess the necessary guarantees, facilities, information and experience to be independent and impartial. There is virtually nobody who does not complain about this situation. Just as the independence of the judiciary is an indispensable condition for a democratic society, the independence (from the ruling political body) of the press or media is also a necessary condition.
In societies in which the press is not independent and free, reality and events are not reported, but, on the contrary, reality is created out of the news and fictitious stories are published as news as though they were true. Society is only able to become informed in the manner and with the content that the political authority and ruling bodies wish. The right of freedom of expression and the press amounts to the ability to impart permitted thoughts and opinions. Criticism can only be made within such scope and context as the political authority determines. If that can be called criticism, of course.
Such a society can undoubtedly not be deemed to be a democratic society. If Cumhuriyet newspaper manages to continue publishing and operating without compromising on its independence and the basic principles of journalism in the face of such duress, threat, embargo, sanctions, conspiracies and injustice, this at the same time – even if it does not wish for it - is the political authority’s good fortune. Would but the realisation dawn of the value and importance for the ruling political body of the existence of newspapers and media outlets like Cumhuriyet of which fewer now remain than the fingers on one hand, this would have to be deemed a good start. However, unfortunately, the developments we have experienced in recent years provide ample pointers as to how imprudent it would be to harbour expectations of this nature. We, as Cumhuriyet newspaper, will continue as before on our path informed by our fundamental values and publishing principles until we are bereft of all opportunity and facility and our right to publish and operate is ended.
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